Sunday, January 31, 2010

Changes After 1 Month

I took my second set of measurements yesterday (one month after the initial measurements). I lost in some areas and not in others. I basically did not lose any inches on my arms and legs with the exception of my upper thighs which lost 1" each. My biggest loss was with my waist which was 2" (and that's with premenstrual bloating). Next, were my hips with a loss of 1-3/4", and I lost 1-1/2" around my chest. I even lost 1/4" around my neck, which I know has helped me to sleep better (less snoring). It's nice to see some difference in measurements and weight (14.4 pounds so far). However, my biggest difference is in how I feel. Instead of dragging myself, I am now running up stairs (and not getting out of breath). Yesterday, I went rollerskating with my daughter and nephew and I was able to enjoy it while getting a good workout. I can't seem to lay around as much anymore. It's like my body has to be moving. I haven't been taking in any extra caffeine or stimulants, just my regular cup of coffee in the morning (which I now sometimes skip), yet I feel much more energized. I give most credit for the improved well being to the foods I am now eating as well as the regular exercise. For me it is not just about losing weight. It's about being as healthy as I can be and enjoying it. I have fallen in love with fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds and (luckily for me) they love me back!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Its a great feeling when you realize that your body can actually do those things that other (skinny) people take for granted! (running up stairs, rollerskating....breathing normally). You are doing amazing! Keep up the great work!
